I got a promotion but have discovered I hate the new role. I much preferred my previous job within the company and regret moving up. Can I go back? Would that be crazy?

As long as you are prepared to give back the raise I presume you received with the promotion.

We are all conditioned that career success means moving up and up, but not everyone wants to move up, take on more responsibility, manage people, etc. That is not the definition of career success. Success is doing a job that you love and doing it so well that you get paid appropriately, you are happy and respected, and feel good about your contributions. That is success.

So no, it is not unheard of or crazy to talk to your boss about returning to a job that you love because you don’t like the new job you were given. Clearly, they value you, otherwise they wouldn’t have promoted you.

Just make sure that you have given the new job enough time and had discussions with your boss about what isn’t working for you before you quit the promotion.

My co-worker is out on disability and all the workload has been dumped on me, the newbie. It’s only been a week and it’s already overwhelming. I don’t want to look feeble or lose the job. How can I cope?

Potentially, taking on more while a colleague is out is an opportunity for a “newbie” to shine, by stepping up in a time of need.

Sometimes, managers are unaware of the workload impact or how much time things take to accomplish. I always tell my staff that it is incumbent upon them to tell me if their workload is too much to handle effectively. Demonstrate a great attitude.

Rather than convey that it is overwhelming and you are having difficulty coping, talk to your boss about how excited you are to take on more and help out while asking for help in how to prioritize. That way, it will be manageable and you can deliver with high performance.

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Wed. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. Email: GoToGreg@NYPost.com. Follow: GoToGreg.com on Twitter: @GregGiangrande

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