A tour guide is raking in the cash by carrying fatigued females up a mountain.
Xiao Chen, 26, who works at Mount Tai in Shandong Province, China, accompanies tourists on their trek to the peak – but many of his female clients often want to be carried up the last 1,000 steps.
He starts by holding their hand along most of the route and when they become tired, Chen carries them in a fireman’s lift, across his shoulders.
The UNESCO World Heritage Site stands at an altitude of 5,029ft.
Chen reportedly earns more than CNY 300,000 – about $42,000 USD — as a ‘climbing companion’ for his clients, aged between 25 and 40 years.
He climbs the mountain twice a day, earning around CNY 600 – $83 USD – per trip during daylight hours and $54 USD at night.
During a good month, the sports graduate can earn around $6,400. He said it takes him around half an hour to carry someone up the last 1,000 steps to the peak.
Due to the high demand for his service, Chen has reportedly started employing team members to share the load.
He also appears quite the hit among his TikTok followers with many commending his strong act.
“Wow, his physical strength,” one user wrote.
“Do you only accompany pretty girls? I suppose you definitely don’t like aunties like me?” another joked.