A woman claimed a major US airline kicked her off a flight over her food allergies, leaving her “embarrassed” over the alleged incident.

Ellie Brelis, from New York, was at LA International Airport heading to Boston, Massachusetts, when she was told she was “unfit to fly”.

The TikToker, who shared a now viral clip of herself at the airport, explained she was “escorted off the flight” after she informed airline officials she has a nut allergy, adding it was “poorly” handled.

She had travelled from her hometown of Boston to Los Angeles last week and during the flight, she went into an anaphylactic shock that was “milder” than others she’d previously experienced.

When she tried to return home, she was allegedly kicked off the flight.

“I did all the things I was supposed to, to advocate for myself so I could have a safe flight,” she said.

“It was handled really poorly. I felt really embarrassed.”

Ellie said she felt dismissed by an airline worker when she tired to share information about her allergy, and was ultimately “escorted off” – even though her checked bag was still on the flight.

“Somehow I just got kicked off the plane for having an allergy,” she said as she broke down in tears.

Ellie gushed over the airline, saying she has flown Delta her whole life and loves the carrier.

But was shocked over how it was handled.

“I was just trying to explain the situation to someone,” she said, adding she was cut off.

“I just want to be on the flight home so I can see my doctor and figure out why this is happening.”

She then explained food allergies are considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

“I [even] upgraded my seat to try and be safer. I’ve done literally everything I can think of … and I just feel like am I the ass****, is this my fault? Should I had not said I had allergies?” she asked viewers.

“I’m really, really embarrassed and disappointed [and] sitting here crying and not knowing what to do.”

In a follow-up video that’s been viewed half a million times, Brelis said she was actually on the flight when crew “escorted me off”.

“Just to be clear, I was literally on the plane and they escorted me off,” she said while still at LAX.

“I don’t know what I did and the person at the gate right now said I didn’t do anything wrong.”

She explained the airline will be putting her on a red-eye flight in an aisle seat but they “can’t guarantee me any safety”.

“And now I have to be at the airport for five hours where I can’t eat the food here and then I am told they have to call medair and I have to talk to a doctor and he has to deem I am fit to fly- what the f***.

“I have flown my whole life and have always been fit to fly until I flew to LA and had an allergic reaction and they did not help me the way I was supposed to be helped.”

Delta’s website recommends passengers with allergies fill out a form or call the Accessibility Services team before the flight to notify them.

“While we are unable to guarantee a peanut-free or allergen-free flight or prohibit other customers from carrying these products on board, we strive to make reasonable accommodations for your needs,” it states.

Meanwhile, Brelis’’s alleged experience left viers divided with some calling out the airline while others sided with it.

“This is insane, I’ve flown Delta several times when they announced people are flying with food allergies and asked us not to eat certain types of food/snacks. Hate this struggle for you,” one person wrote.

“I’m sorry this happened to you,” said another.

Some explained she should have informed the airline prior to flying.

“You are supposed to let them know in advance. Also if you had reaction they may need med clearance bf flying a connecting flt (sic),” one person commented.

“Pretty positive you’re supposed to let them know in advance because they can’t guarantee people who have already boarded don’t have something with them that can trigger your allergy,” another person added.

Others weren’t as sympathetic, backing the airline for its decision.

“They did the right thing, you put everyone on that flight in jeopardy. it’s you’re responsibility, just drive and quit putting others out,” one viewer demanded.

“Did you tell them ahead of time of your allergy? And what did you ask for? I have a nut allergy, travel Delta & never have issues. I board and inform them of my allergies and they’re great,” another person added.

News.com.au has contacted Delta Airlines for comment.

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