Potato, potaht-no.

A doctor’s surprise reveal that potato salad would never pass their lips is going viral — and the reason why is kind of gross.

The anti-deli declaration came courtesy of a gastroenterologist at the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland & Northern Ohio (AMCNO) in a TikTok video that’s been the talk of the internet this week.

The clip features a group of colleagues at the non-profit organization telling viewers all the things they no longer would do, after having completed their medical training.

The gut health expert stated that he would no longer “eat potato salad at a barbecue,” considering the sickness risks involved with mayonnaise-based foods.

According to the Daily Mail, the medical mind shared that potato salad frequently comes up on “med school tests on foodborne illnesses.”

Prepared salads are widely known to cause serious health problems if not properly prepared, stored and consumed.

“When left out in the temperature danger zone — 40-140 degrees — for more than 2 hours, the amount of bacteria can grow massively,” the expert explained.

A medical student echoed the doctor’s sentiments, sharing later on in the footage, “I would never eat potato salad.”

Another expert said they’d never “ride a bike or snowboard without a helmet on,” while a second gastroenterologist added they had no plans to “eat artificially sweetened foods.”

“I used to own an electric skateboard that I’d ride around campus, and I would not ride a helmet when I rode it,” one of the medical students explained. “So I would now always wear a helmet.”

One student confessed she’d turn in early and get a good night’s sleep over “staying up all night studying.”

“I would never ride a motorcycle,” one med student quipped, while another went with avoiding “getting warm lake water up my nose,” and a third chose to stay away from “expired food.”

Rounding out the helpful tips, one mom worried about head trauma shared she would never “allow my children to play football,” while another student noted that “something I would never do is neglect the amount of fiber that I have in my diet.”

Social media users took to the comments section to share their thoughts on the professional advice, with one person writing that artificial sweeteners couldn’t be pried from her “cold dead fingers.”

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