All Hallows Eve is fast approaching, and with it, the thinning of the veil between worlds.

In the Northern Hemisphere, fields lay fallow, nights are longer, Scorpio season is in full swing, and our collective consciousness turns toward the passage of time, the cycles of life and death, and those we have lost.

On hand to help us pick up the tin-can telephone line between worlds is Rachel Stavis — a nondenominational exorcist, apex Pisces, author of “Sister of Darkness: The Chronicles of a Modern Exorcist” and writer/director of the recently re-released short horror film “Posies,” featuring a score by Chappel Roan.

“The veil is thinning between our world and the world of spirit. Though it can mean more things that go bump in the night, it can also mean communicating with deceased loved ones you miss,” Stavis explains to The Post. “But it’s important to know which visitors from beyond have good intentions — and which ones mean to do harm.”

Stavis says the barrier between this world and the next will be particularly permeable from now through Nov. 15, peaking on Friday, Oct. 25. She says so long as caution is exercised and high-frequency energy is maintained, it will be “a magical time for reunions that span our worlds, so if you’ve been wanting to communicate with someone who has passed, don’t miss out!”

Can you talk to the dead?

Stavis, who routinely consorts with spirits, says that we are all born with a certain degree of mediumship ability, and those senses are naturally heightened when the veil between worlds is at its most threadbare.

“You may find you’re more intuitive and are noticing more scents, sights, sounds and
shadows. These are visitations,” she imparts. “Don’t be afraid! This is exactly what we need to experience to begin that communication.”

Trust what you receive

As Stavis explains, our own beliefs are often the greatest barrier to communicating with the dead.

“Many people struggle to believe in their mediumship abilities. They often question if they’re ‘special’
enough to be receiving communication from Spirit. Because of this unworthiness, they shut the ability
down by dismissing it, thinking it must be thoughts of their own.”

Stavis shares that the primary requirement for dialoguing with the dead is trust.

“During this Thin Veil season, it is imperative that we believe and listen to everything that comes in. After all, this is what we are asking for, and spirit listens! So allow it to come through.”

Start with a significant object

Stavis says to tip your toe into communication with the dead, start with a significant item of someone else’s.

“Find a friend that you can trust. Borrow an object from them that has some significance or history.
Grab a notebook and sit with that object. Close your eyes and take a deep breath,” she instructs.

“Now, notice any thoughts, visions or sensations that come through. Write down everything you experience.”

Stavis shares that this exercise builds a connection between the material and immaterial.

“Once you’ve done this on three separate occasions, you’ll probably notice you’re receiving more information than before. After the third time, return the object to its owner and discuss everything you perceived. Notice how much you get right!”

Test your intuition with antiquing

To hone your mediumship skills and sharpen your intuition, Stavis recommends testing them in environments rife with old things and other people’s property.

“Next time you find yourself thrifting or antiquing, close your eyes and use your intuition to guide you to something that feels ‘good’ and something that feels ‘bad.’ You most likely will surprise yourself, as the thing that feels good may look unattractive, while the item that feels bad might be beautiful!” she explains.

“It can be the same with visitations, which is why it’s important to trust our intuition over our eyes.”

How to talk to the dead

Stavis shares that the best time for communion is after nightfall, as messages are more apt to come through in darkness.

For added protection, she suggests lighting a white candle, burning or diffusing frankincense, and taking deep, grounding breaths.

When you’re ready to begin, she instructs, say out loud: “(Person’s name), please come through to visit me tonight. I am welcoming you in dreams, in sounds, in (any ways you are open to receiving
communication); thank you.”

Stavis encourages those looking to make contact to add in any other information, such as how much the departed person is loved and missed and how the seeker hopes to visit with them.

Now, the message has been sent, and the waiting begins.

“Over the next three days, pay attention!” Stavis imparts. “They will come through in whatever way is easiest for them, which can be subtle or not, depending on who they are.”

Protect yourself

Stavis says if you catch a bad vibe while making moves to commune, there are ways to shut it down.

“If something feels off to you, stop communication quickly by burning or diffusing copal to neutralize the energy, and then seal the energy in high frequency with palo santo, frankincense or rose. If you burn the resins and herbs, move the ashtray with the disk throughout your space to cleanse it properly.”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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