VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — First Lady Jill Biden visited Virginia Beach ahead of Thursday night’s debate — and one day before Donald Trump rallies nearby — telling supporters the former president would be a “dictator on day one.”

Biden was rambunctiously greeted by a packed house of supporters at the city’s Democratic Coordinated Campaign Office, while a few pro-Trump demonstrators outside the event met her with signs and chants about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — the same day some signers of the “Spies Who Lie” letter told Congress President Biden lied about the laptop the last time he debated Trump.

In her brief remarks to a crowd of about 75 people, she previewed tonight’s event: “You all know that there’s two visions for America, and you’ll see them tonight when you watch the debate. And you’ve already chosen your vision,” she said. “You’ve chosen strong, steady leadership versus that other vision, which is chaos and corruption”

Biden declared Trump would become a “dictator on day one and take away a lot of the freedoms that we already have.”

Biden supporter Maurice Hawkins, 52, who works in sales told The Post he would like to see the divisions in the country turned down, saying, “President Biden has done an excellent job of working towards that.”

Norfolk, Va., small-business owner Cole Trower, 32, was one of the pro-Trump demonstrators outside the event. He told The Post he believes Virginia is in fact in play this election cycle — evidenced by the first lady’s presence in the state today.

Biden headed to Atlanta to join her husband from Virginia Beach.

Trump has a rally scheduled in Chesapeake, Va., Friday, the day after the debate.

Team Biden has brushed off Trump’s targeting of Virginia voters.

But Roanoke College polling released at the end of May showed Biden and Trump tied in the Commonwealth, 42% to 42%.

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