This math teacher’s pee policy doesn’t add up.

A California educator has been accused of cruelty after awarding bonus points to students who don’t take a bathroom break during class.

A peeved parent of one of the pedagogue’s pupils leaked the bizarre bathroom rule in a post that has clocked up over 16 million views on X.

“My daughter’s math teacher has a rule that they only get one bathroom pass per week, AND, if they don’t use it, they get academic extra credit,” fumed the mom, named Sita, whose daughter is in the unidentified teacher’s class.

“I am livid,” the mother continued, without identifying her daughter’s age. “But my daughter is mad that I want to email the teacher and CC the principal. Am I wrong here?”

This bizarre test of vesical fortitude didn’t sit well with X viewers, who deemed it egregious and inhumane.

“Needing to ask permission to use the bathroom is barbaric,” fumed one critic.

“That’s outrageous. The teacher is not fit for service,” declared another.

A third observed: “Some kids may have a medical condition, seems like this policy would be unfair to them.”

One alleged educator claimed that extra credit should be reserved for those with a steel mind and not a steel bladder.

“I’m a high school teacher. This is wrong. It’s immoral, unethical, discriminatory, and extremely worrisome,” they wrote. “Grades should be decided purely on academic ability (not behavior). I literally cannot believe this is happening in the 21st century.”

However, some commenters supported the pee break policy, claiming it’s meant to disincentivize pupils from using the bathroom as an excuse to carouse with each other.

“I can see both sides having worked in a pre-school,” reasoned one ex-teacher. “We had kids who loved the bathroom. In Jr. high it’s a way to meet your friends during class time.”

“This was the norm in my school,” another argued. “It aims to prevent students from using bathroom breaks to socialize. Teachers who didn’t enforce this had more class disruptions. This is a classroom management tool.”

Sita also shared screenshots of alleged messages from teachers who argued that the policy wasn’t cruel because extra credit wasn’t compulsory.

“Extra credit is exactly that: extra,” one of the messages read. “That bathroom rule isn’t harming anyone’s grade because nobody should be reliant on a few points just to make up a grade. Try being a teacher for a day and come up [with] a better solution for managing chronic bathroom visit abusers.”

Sita didn’t disclose whether or not she ended up emailing the math teacher in question or school administration officials over the issue.

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