Partners might be treading too close to the sun with this super hot sex move.

Horny hotties wanting to intensify sex have long touted edging — getting to the brink of climax before stopping and starting again to heighten arousal and enhance orgasms.

However, some medical experts warn that the technique could impact people’s sex longer than desired.

Dr. Donald Grant, a senior clinical advisor at the Independent Pharmacy, claims that putting off orgasms too often could allow the body to become desensitized to its natural reaction to stimulation and become accustomed to this habit.

“This can have a lasting impact on men’s ability to maintain stimulation, making it more difficult to achieve or maintain an erection — a common sign of erectile dysfunction which may require treatment,” Dr. Grant, told the Daily Mail.

Some experts also claim that edging could also lead to “blue balls,” described by the National Institutes of Health as “scrotal pain following heightened sexual arousal that did not result in orgasm.”

The erotic technique could also possibly put unnecessary stress on muscles required to reach the big O.

“Pelvic floor muscles can carry a lot of stress,” Dr. Rina Malik explained in a YouTube video. “If you’re getting very stressed and trying to control your ejaculation over and over again, [the muscles] can get tense.”

Malik said pain with ejaculation, testicular pain and pain during defecation are possible symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction.

But other medical teams, such as the experts at WebMD and Healthline, insist there is no scientific evidence to support any claims of unwanted or dangerous effects of edging.

“Overall, like any masturbation technique or sexual activity, there’s a range of risks to be aware of,” Dr. Grant noted.

He recommends not overusing the technique and combining it with normal sexual intercourse and masturbation techniques.

If coming close with a partner, satisfactory communication is a major key to nailing the sex move.

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