No one wants to be viewed as a slob kabob.
If you’re someone who doesn’t think twice about those dust bunnies living rent-free in the crevices of your home or you don’t bother to panic clean before company comes over — you’re probably being judged by your visitors.
A recent Reddit thread asked people things they notice when visiting others’ homes that makes a host come off as dirty. Nearly 300 people ran to the comment section to sound off on how they judge a person’s cleanliness.
Yikes. And from the sounds of it, many people need a crash course on how to keep a clean and tidy home. Here is what some of the commenters had to say.
Pay attention to all areas of the bathroom
“They (people) are sitting on the toilet and most likely inspecting what is directly in front of them…and then the rest of your bathroom. Keep it clean. The cleanest homes I’ve been in usually have very tidy bathrooms — it seems to go hand in hand with the rest of a home being clean as well,” one commenter wrote.
“One of my things that I know I am conscious of in my home and others is the bathroom mirror. Splatters all over the mirror makes me feel ick,” another comment read.
Dust collected on unexpected things around the house
“Dust accumulated on the top of the toilet and air vents. Someone pointed out to me once and I was mortified (luckily it was just my parents lol),” a person wrote.
“As a tall person, I notice dust on top of people’s refrigerators more than the average person!” a commenter shared.
Keep your floors clean
“Crumbs, dirt, and any filth on the floors. If it’s carpet, dust around the edges near baseboards. Floors are the easiest to keep clean as long as you take 5-10 minutes to vacuum daily,” a person shared.
“When my socks stick to the kitchen floor,” chimed in another commenter.
Don’t ignore the dirt in the small crevices around your home
“Things to keep clean that people forget about are ceiling fans/vents, blinds, tops of showers edges or shower rod, baseboards, light switches, and doors. The kitchen hood is a big, greasy afterthought to many,” another comment read.
“Most people are good about everything else but these are the things people neglect that make your home look tidy vs clean. I try not to judge people’s homes, but I can tell a lot from the way a person’s house looks,” the commenter added.
Door handles can say a lot about a person
“I always look at the door handles. If they are really dirty, besides it not being clean, it also tells me something about how often they wash their hands,” someone wrote.
“Door handles and light switches. Yes I see the dirt built up in the little on and off switches,” a person added.
Wearing a pair of house slippers can go a long way
“If I don’t have to remove my shoes in a house I know it’s way more dirty than it looks,” someone quipped.
“Wearing shoes inside grosses me out,” agreed another commenter.
Decluttering is always a good idea
“Other than smell, the only thing I really notice in others homes would be a bunch of clutter. Specifically lots of things that don’t belong in the room and extra, pointless furniture shoved against the walls kind of making a perimeter of mess,” one of the commenters wrote.
“A lot of people get used to their belongings and feel if the center of the room is clean or free from things that it’s sufficient but it makes the overall space look messy,” they continued in the thread.
There’s no need to have a sink of dirty dishes
“A disgustingly dirty kitchen sink. If you can’t be bothered to clean the bowl at least once a week please don’t invite people over. If you can’t at least run your disposal so old food isn’t sitting in the sink, please do not invite people over,” a snarky comment read.
The smell of your home
“I have BAD nose blindness. It’s so bad that I can smell close to nothing. If I go anywhere and it smells bad to me then we know there is an issue!” a person expressed,
“Never underestimate opening the windows to create a cross breeze to air out your home,” a commenter suggested.
Clean up after your pet
“Pet hair on surfaces. I have a friend with cats and sometimes it’s like… on the table we’re eating off of, and on the pillows on the couch we sit on. It just feels gross. I have a dog and I’m neurotic about vacuuming my surfaces and cleaning my couch when people come over because I know how ick it can feel,” someone else said.