“I’m feelin’ myself.”
It’s normal to feel some nerves before a first date. What’s not normal is the feeling of rejection minutes before you’re about to meet someone new. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to Zach Zimmerman — a guy whose date last minute cancelled on him because of the outfit he planned to wear.
Zimmerman shared on X, “I may never recover. Dude asked what I was gonna wear and then cancelled the date,” accompanied by two videos explaining what exactly took place. In the tweet — which received over 19 million views — Zimmerman shared a video he recorded of his outfit. “Get ready with me to go on a date,” he says while showing off his fit.
This outfit might be hanging in most male closets across America — a grey t-shirt layered under a red plaid button down shirt paired with khaki shorts, white tube socks with blue stripes going around the ankle, and dark sneakers.
The video continues with Zimmerman adjusting his shorts, saying he also has an “adorable sweater” as another option but then quickly changes his mind, saying it might be “too warm for that.”
The video must’ve been taken with the intent of showing his potential lover what he was wearing to the date, because the next video he tweeted, showed a screenshotted text conversation between Zimmerman and his possible beau.
He checks himself out once more before saying, “I don’t know, it’s kind of giving.”
After he sends his fit check video, the date immediately responds back with a shocking text reading, “Hey! You’re very attractive and I’m not opposed to grabbing a drink but I don’t think we’re going to be compatible honestly.”
The way my jaw is on the floor at this entire exchange. The brutally honest people in the thread of this tweet really let Zimmerman have it, especially those calling him a millennial for his outfit choice.
“chiii.. ‘goober’ i’m sorry but this is so millennial like nix the shorts and put on a pair of straight leg denim and loose sweater or even half zip and baseball cap and you’d be good,” one person suggested.
“Wearing a plaid shirt like it’s 2004 with such a wide short and colors not even matching is wild. i won’t even talk about the 1980 wood buffet with the the CD player??” another harsh comment read.
Thankfully, other people showed empathy for Zimmerman.
“The “Hey!” as if you aren’t already in an active convo is lowkey cruel,” one person said.
“that’s HIS loss, not yours! you dodged a major bullet w/ that plan falling through, thank god it did! and ignore the losers in the quotes, none of them ever had a chance with you anyways so their word holds no weight. ur THAT girl and WILL find someone who sees that and values you,” another kind stranger wrote.